coming down the line; Andy, John,
Simon, Nick, Roger
...when did you learn an instrument?
Andy: I learned to use my instrument... when I was...
John: *interrupted* Almost successful there?
Andy: ...five actually, but it was plastic at the time.
But uh...but I...I got...I got a real one when I was eleven.
John: I was what you call, "a late developer".
--I didn't pick up mine until I was about sixteen.
Simon: I was born with my instrument; and it just got
used, sort of, again and again and again!
Nick: I started playing with mine when I was...
*everyone laughs* ...seventeen.
Roger: Um! *Roger's thinking*
Andy: *interrupted* Roger still...
Simon: *interrupted Andy* Roger needs two hands for his!
*everyone laughs hard*

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