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Music Not in the Playlist? My other mixes are within the 'My Mixes', and my 'My Mixes 2' tabs.
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Summer Mix Was Made :D

To all my fans out there,

I have made a great mix out of Duran Duran's awesome bonus track, "Early Summer Nerves".
It's very sad that "...Summer Nerves" didn't make the physical CD (All You Need is Now); but everyone else knows Duran Duran created way too many songs to give a care whether or not this exact song was placed there [on the CD of course]! Umm...

...Back to what I was saying. The song I've made is called, 'Early Summer Nerves (Vacay Mix)'; and you can hear it by clicking PLAY below. Enjoy! :)

Early Summer Nerves (Vacay Mix)
Early Summer Nerves (Vacay Mix) by rccola14

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Be aMAZED, be really aMAZED!

My fellow fans,

I have just made a new remix; it is called 'Vertigo (Maze Megrim Remix)'!
Maze means dizzy, and megrim means depression. So the song really should be called
'Vertigo (Dizzy Depression Remix)', but I liked the sound of my first choice better.

Vertigo (Maze Megrim Remix) or Vertigo (Dizzy Depression Remix); you decide*

*actually, not really--I've already chosen the title! Sorry about that! :(

To listen to this new remix, go to the "My Mixes" tab. Enjoy!