DJ RootBeer's Videos

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Music Not in the Playlist? My other mixes are within the 'My Mixes', and my 'My Mixes 2' tabs.
Click on either
tab below, and ENJOY!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy D2 Appreciation Day!

Happy DDAD, everybody! Yes, DDAD (pronounced DEE'DAD)!
It stands for "Duran Duran Appreciation Day".

So, if you see a duranie; say "Happy DDAD!" They'll get the point. :/

Okay... for this very marvellous, awesome, and special occasion; the first twenty people to send me a positive comment about any of my remixes--extended versions and all--will get a chance to have their name, and why they love DURAN DURAN posted on my blog.

And, if anyone can name me the title of four (your favorite) mixes I've made; will receive a 'signed' original copy of my very own animation drawing*

*if anyone would like the real signed piece of paper; please send me an email so I can give you directions to where you can visit me for the handout--I will NOT give out my actual address for safety reasons

If no one would like to visit me for this special handout; I will be glad to send you a JPEGed or bitmapped version of the 'signed' picture.

Note: please give me your email address, so I can send you your handout prize--I will not spam you!

Have fun! :)