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Friday, December 3, 2010

Duran Duran: What got me into them!?

Well, a while back in the Summer of 2002; I first heard their music (not knowing who did the songs). I first heard, "A View to a Kill"--me, and my sisters liked it very much (I have five sisters, by-the-way). Then next, "Union of the Snake"--I recorded this song on tape. I actually heard "Come Undone" first (sometime in 1998 or '99) but it feels like I never even heard it then; though I know I did. I also heard "Girls on Film" and "The Reflex"--but not too sure in what order.

I've already mentioned about when, and why I mixed music (stated in my post 'Intro'); but not so much about what I used to do so. I had this crappy 5-Disk changer, which played music in stereo quite nicely. It played it in "Wide Stereo", as a matter of fact, but it quit working the first two weeks I've used it. I used it to record CD tracks onto tape--to produce my mixes. Hard?: Yes!
Did I enjoy it?: Yes, as well! Would I ever do it again?: No (computer software is much easier)!

I started to like Duran Duran music since June of 2003--liked them ever since! Their style of fashion, mixed with their passion for music; made me crave them even more. So, to this day, I do--and who knows, maybe beyond that!

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